
Reflection on My First Year of Celebrancy

Rebecca and Jacqualyn, with me as their Celebrant 4th November 2024 As I look back on my first year as a celebrant, I can hardly believe how quickly time has flown. After completing my Certificate IV in Celebrancy in April 2023, I applied to the Attorney Generals Department to become a registered Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant.  When I received the email on July 12th, 2023, confirming my successful application, I couldn't help but do a little happy dance! Fast forward to October 20th, 2023, and there I was, officiating my very first wedding ceremony in the picturesque vineyards of the Hunter Valley. What a way to start my journey! The lovely couple had approached me a couple of months prior after the bride's mother spotted my post of Facebook. I'm not quite sure if my celebrant post or my connection with Rotary Club in Cessnock caught their eye, but either way, I was thrilled. Meeting the couple for the first time at a local hotel, I half expected them to say they'd ke...

Unravelling the Legal Side of Being a Marriage Celebrant

Unravelling the Legal Side of Being a  Marriage Celebrant Hello there lovebirds and commitment enthusiasts! Today, we're diving headfirst into the riveting world of the legal side of what marriage celebrants do. Wait, don't run away - I promise to sprinkle a little humour into the legal jargon to keep your attention! So you've found the perfect partner, you've decided to take the plunge, and now you're thinking about who's going to officiate your dream wedding. Enter the marriage celebrant, the unsung hero of your love story. The Marvelous Marriage Celebrant Before we get into the legal nitty-gritty, let's give a round of applause to these unsung heroes. Marriage celebrants are like Wedding Wizards, weaving their magic to make your big day extraordinary. They're the ones who transform, 'Ido' into 'I dooooooo!' with flair and finesse. But, Let's Make Sure It's All Legal! Now onto the less glamorous but oh-so-important - the legal s...

Your Ceremony, Your Story

      Your Ceremony, Your Story Hello readers! For a long time, I wondered what I would like to do once I decided on a change from a very full and enjoyable life working and touring all over Australia as a performer in schools. I loved my work, connecting with people and making a difference through performance that engaged teachers and students with shows that supported Key Learning areas. However, I was  ready  for change. Just over a year ago I enrolled with  Rose Training  to study Celebrancy.  A  couple of weeks ago, I received news from the Attorney Generals Department that I am now an Authorised Marriage Celebrant  Embarking on this journey, becoming an Authorised Marriage Celebrant has been exciting, and finding the perfect words to express my vision and values in a by-line was a stimulating challenge. I knew one thing for certain: I wanted to make every ceremony as unique and as special as the people I would serve, and ...